The Revitalization & Legacy

Hosted by West Angeles Church of God in Christ
An Interactive Learning Community to help you Understand how this Generation thinks, Design a plan to reach the lost, & Develop them into ministry leaders who grow the legacy of your church
(even in the wake of the pandemic)
Apply for a Spot & Scholarship
  Applications Due May 15th 
What You Will Discover thru the Collective
Key #1: 5 New Values Shaping the Way Millennials approach Faith & Life
  • How discovering your own worldview will reveal your ministry’s blind spots
  • Why successfully navigating the differences between modernism & postmodernism is the key to getting this Generation to follow you
Key #2: 3 Shifts We Made to
Reach & Retain 4,000 Millennials
  • Why you don't have to water down the gospel to reach this generation
  • Why developing attendees vs. apprentices may be hindering your ministry's growth & retention
  • How leading with doctrine & behavior is keeping them from Jesus
Key #3: How to Design Your Own Action Plan To Reach & Retain Millennials 
  • Why trends & big budgets can't compete with the #1 resource you already possess
  • 3 qualities of a discipleship environment that they flock to
  • 2 actions you can do to reach 15 new people this month
Program Director
Elder Dr. Wilfred Graves Jr. currently serves West Angeles Church as Executive Director of Ministerial Training and Development, Chairman of the Ministerial Alliance, and Special Assistant to the Senior Pastor (Presiding Bishop Emeritus Charles E. Blake Sr.).  He is the founder and CEO of Wilfred Graves Ministries, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization which focuses on evangelism, spiritual formation, Christian scholarship, and leadership training.

Dr. Graves holds a Ph.D. in Theology and an M.Div. from Fuller Seminary, an M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University, and an S.B. in Mathematics from MIT.  He is an adjunct professor at both Fuller Seminary and Biola University.

As a minister of the gospel and Christian educator, Dr. Graves has a passion to help people become mature, productive, thriving followers of Jesus Christ.  He has written an important book entitled In Pursuit of Wholeness: Experiencing God's Salvation for the Total Person, which is about the availability of God's grace for the transformation of every area of life.

Dr. Wilfred Graves Jr. is happily married to Dr. Malaika E. Graves, an accomplished artist and pediatrician who serves children and their families with grace and sensitivity.

To connect with Dr. Wilfred Graves Jr., please visit:

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Dr. Wilfred Graves
Ministry Design Coordinator
James Chambers is a pastor with Dove Ministries Int'l and  President of A Faith That Overflows Int'l & creator of - a coaching community equipping leaders on how to grow their ministries to the Millennial generation. He is the author of the 12-lesson video course: How We Reached 4,000 Millennials without Watering Down the Gospel which equips you with the strategies he used to do so.

James began in 2005 as an Evangelism Director for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, establishing movements of evangelism & discipleship in cities across the country that reached & retained over 4,000 millennials as disciples for the Church.

Now James is a highly sought after conference speaker, trainer & consultant, training ministry leaders for the Luis Palau Association, the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College, the C.O.G.I.C., Lutheran Missouri Synod, Southern Baptist Convention & the Lausanne Congress.  He's equipped over 90 missionaries to advance the Gospel in Romania, Czech Republic, China, Uganda, Tanzania & Kenya; and over 15,000 Believers have been equipped to take the Gospel to one of the fastest growing mission fields- the United States of America.

His heart is to help you reach the people God's placed in your sphere of influence with the Gospel.

To connect with Pastor James Chambers, please visit:
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Pastor James Chambers
Sample Teaching from the Collective
How We Reached
over 4,000 Millennials
Watering Down the Gospel

And Get Equipped to Do the Same!
Excerpt From Module 2:
A New Paradigm of Evangelism
That Works Today

The Details plus What You Will Receive in the Collective:

24 Group Coaching Modules via Zoom video conference (once a month for 2.5 hours)

  • How it works
    • Watch the session's on-demand video before the coaching call & do any pre-work
    • During the coaching call we process the content & move into ministry design
    • After call, work with your church's Millennial task force to further design & implement ministry programming 

Formal Diagnostic Church & Community Assessment

  • Make plans based on real stats
    • Assess your church's health
    • Discover social values & trends in your community
    • Identify gaps in developing your church's leadership & legacy

Reach Millennials Now Masterclass: 12 on-demand lessons that provide the framework we will use to help you design your strategy to reach more of this Generation now

  • Module 1: 5 New Values Shaping Millennials’ Worldview
  • Module 2: A New Paradigm for Evangelism That Works Today
  • Module 3: Creating Discipleship Environments Millennials Flock To
  • Module 4: 3 Shifts to Make in Preaching to a Postmodern Audience
  • Module 5: Navigating the Complexities of Intergenerational Leadership
  • Module 6: LGBTQ Conversations: How to build bridges of trust & minister to them
COVID-19: Mastering Online Ministry  - The same Social Media and Online Advertising trainings that reached 1500 people with the Gospel, launched a new online church, and led 83 people to Jesus all during the Pandemic!
Reach This Generation Action Plan - Design Your Customizable Plan to Grow Your Ministry to this Generation by 20%
Private Discussion Forum - Ask questions and share ideas with other ministry leaders & practitioners in an encouraging online setting.
Bonus #1: LGBTQ Conversations - 5 hr Video Training to understand and disciple those in the LGBTQ community

2024 Cohort Times
starting June

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1st Saturdays
8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT
3rd Mondays 
3pm PDT / 6pm EDT
By the end of the Revitalization & Legacy Collective ...

you'll have an understanding of your community's social trends, and established an intergenerational task force who helps you design & implement a leadership pipeline that reaches the lost then disciples them into ministry leaders who grow your church.
Apply for a Spot in The Collective
Registration Deadline - May 15th 
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What Past Students Have to Say...
Got Questions?

Dr. Graves
Phone: (323)733-8300

James Chambers
Phone: (847)231-2096